
Welcome to Earthwalk

   Our Earthwalk began the moment we took our first breath, a spark of creation embodied in physical form, the degree of connection and coherence in direct relation to our conception, our journey in utero, and the birth process we each experienced. From the moment of conception our Divine Blueprint began to be informed by our experience of reality through our parents, the family unit we chose, environment, cultural conditioning and societal programming of our country, continent, socio economic group, and the biological lineage of our ancestors. Rather than nature or nurture, a combination of both.

Our Embodiment and Evolution is not ‘Rocket Science’. Evolution takes the time it takes to align, and rather than putting anything into these extraordinary human systems which are Divine by Design, Embodiment happens quite organically and naturally as we unpack all that is not of our Soul Essence.

Depending upon each individual, this process may or may not include; resolution of past trauma and dissolution of thoughtforms, beliefs and patterns of behavior that keep us separate from Self, each other and our Earth preventing us from living a deeply fulfilling and abundant Soul-Led-Life.

Earthwalk Global is a pioneering evolutionary school embodying New Earth principles. We are a transformative sanctuary, a spiritual haven, dedicated to fostering humanity's awakening, reclamation of sovereignty, and the discovery of our inherent gifts and full creative potential. A Sacred Space where all of you are welcome and supported, no matter what age or stage, on this journey home to Self.

We provide a unique platform and progression for you to delve into the depths of self-discovery, understand your divine purpose, and unlock your potential as a creator. Our curriculum is choreographed with a harmonious blend of Shamanic Energy Medicine and supportive tools, techniques and practical magic enabling Soul Embodiment, Restoration of one's Galactic Connection and Coherence and synchrony with the Source of Creation.

is more than a school

 It is a Gateway to Life, Creation and
Business Expansion

Our Mission

At Earthwalk, we are committed to guiding you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth.    
We believe in the power of the individual as a creator, capable of aligning one's reality with Soul, Source and Service, making a meaningful impact in the world, and pioneering innovative business ideas.  Our mission is to support you in remembering who you are, why you're here, and how to fully engage in the grand symphony of life.   

Our Vision

Inspired by our interconnection with nature and shared responsibility as Guardians of Gaia, we celebrate this journey of Re-membering, reconnecting to our multidimensionality and actualizing change within and without, during this prophesied time of transformation.    
Our New Earth is here now and we are able to live life and create within this architecture as soon as we are able to stabilise within the same frequency match.

At Earthwalk Global, we guide you towards awakening in the dream, taking full responsibility as creators within the infinite potential of creation, and embracing each present moment with unconditional Love, alive and aware.

As self-sourcing sovereign beings, we become our own witness, choosing right action and embodying alignment with Soul, Source and collaborative Service.   

Supporting your Soul Embodiment & Evolution
is Important to Us

Humanity is currently experiencing a collective dark night of the soul, a time of great purification. It’s time to let go of old systems and structures that no longer serve.

Our thoughts words and actions contain energy. By focusing our consciousness on the world we wish to live in, we have the power to create and live our New Earth now.

It’s time to step out of the triangle of disempowerment. We are the creators of our reality, and are therefore able to fully engage in our divine dance with destiny.

Self-love is the foundation of our embodiment and evolution. When we love ourselves unconditionally, we will no longer compromise our truth therfore cannot be controlled or manipulated, and we have no need to play small to fit in.

Bringing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies into integration and alignment with our soul is key. This involves bringing our Feminine (mother), Masculine (father), and Inner Child Templates into coherence and Sacred Union within.


We offer a variety of programs tailored to suit each stage of an individual’s journey. 
Our programs are facilitated by embodiment expert Leanne Edwards who has invested the last 20 yrs developing a foundational soul embodiment program and subsequent evolutionary programs that are designed to support each individual to realize their full potential.
Self-Paced Programs
These are designed for you to progress at your own rhythm, providing flexibility and personalization. Perfect for those who prefer to learn in their own time and space.
In-Person Experiences
These programs offer a more immersive and interactive experience. They provide opportunities for direct engagement, real-time learning, and community building.
1:1 Mentorship
For a more personalized and intensive experience, we offer one-on-one mentorship. This allows for deep, focused work tailored specifically to your needs and goals.


We offer a variety of programs tailored to suit each stage of an individual’s journey. 
Our programs are facilitated by embodiment expert Leanne Edwards who has invested the last 20 yrs developing a foundational soul embodiment program and subsequent evolutionary programs that are designed to support each individual to realize their full potential.
Self-Paced Programs
These are designed for you to progress at your own rhythm, providing flexibility and personalization. Perfect for those who prefer to learn in their own time and space.
In-Person Experiences
These programs offer a more immersive and interactive experience. They provide opportunities for direct engagement, real-time learning, and community building.
1:1 Mentorship
For a more personalized and intensive experience, we offer one-on-one mentorship. This allows for deep, focused work tailored specifically to your needs and goals.