
Every Soul Embodied  

We believe that every soul embodied at this time on Earth is absolutely unique and that's why we offer a variety of programs tailored to suit each stage of an individual's journey.
 Our programs are facilitated by embodiment expert Leanne Edwards, who has invested the last 20 years developing a foundational soul embodiment program and subsequent evolutionary programs that are designed to support each individual to realize their full potential.

All programs operate within the New Earth Architecture, a vibrational frequency that greatly supports the dissolution of any distortions within the physical, mental and emotional bodies. This may include addressing limited beliefs and patterns of behavior, unresolved trauma, conception, prenatal and birth imprinting, ancestral disharmony, sexual trauma, and past lives that may be preventing the soul's descent into the body. We also address entities, implants, and androids that may be present, as well as vows, contracts, hexes, curses, spells, black magic, and sorcery. Soul retrieval also happens spontaneously in a natural and organic way throughout the journey.

Foundation of Embodiment

   Reinstate the Foundation of your Divine Blueprint
 through 8 Interactive Shamanic Journeys   
  EUR 180 / Complete Program  

Alignment Process

Aligning our Earth Team; Physical, Mental and Emotional Bodies with Soul. Our physical body has its own extraordinary intelligence and is the only vehicle we have for this Earthwalk.   
In most cases our mental body has been programmed by a system that no longer serves humanity or our ecosystem and it is time to defrag the dysfunctional software and restore what is natural, sustainable and organic. It is time to master our brilliant minds and remind them that they are here to listen and implement the guidance of the Soul.

Our emotional bodies have their own unique intelligence that when honoured become not only a guide yet also provide access to the most powerful elemental forces of nature. In a culture where emotional bypassing is ‘the norm’, it is time to reboot our emotional capacity of feeling and expressing our emotions with enough maturity that they are no longer projected and instead may be consciously channelled into personal and planetary transformation.

Our eternal Soul knows who we are, where we have come from, and that we are here to remember ourselves as Love. The Soul also has awareness of our unique gifts and our purpose for being here now, all we have to do is slow down and clear the static so that we are once again able to listen and hear its infinite wisdom. This alignment process supports each individual to reorganize their bodies into a coherent system initiating a more integrated felt-sense of self. A focal point within, which may soon become one’s new place of residence from which to organize reality and engage in reality from.  Providing a greater sense of self through deepening a non hierarchical yet interconnected relationship between the bodies and surrendering to the wisdom of the soul as the leader of our Earthwalk life no longer happens to us but rather through us.  We take responsibility for the reality we are creating and life becomes a whole lot more exciting.

Speaking Our Truth

Speaking Our Truth

Shamanic Rebirthing Process

Rewriting our Arrival from Conception through Birth.   
While at a Soul level each one of us has chosen to incarnate at this extraordinary time in the evolution of humanity, many of us struggle to be here in our body, when actually arriving is at the very foundation of our embodiment. For this reason, revisiting our landing from conception through until birth is an absolute priority.

This Shamanic re-birthing process enables us to transform distortion into coherence, contraction to relaxation and expansion, and make space to reinstate our excitement and reason for being here now.

Holy Trinity Templates

Masculine (Father) Template 

This journey provides an opportunity for our inner child to feel, express and communicate all that remains unresolved with our father.   
   Be patient with yourself and the process as depending upon how much dysfunction you may have experienced in your childhood and teenage years you may need to revisit the exercise after a period of integration. If you get tired or encounter any unresolved pieces in the first meeting, pause and return later. This journey should be replicated if there may be one or more step-father(s) or influential men or male family members involved in your developmental years. Even if we never knew our biological or birth father this process has the potential to be just as powerful. Toward the end of the journey there are commands to release etheric cords and ancestral programming and conditioning that no longer serves. Closing the codependent parent-child relationship and opening into brotherhood with our father. Establishing self-sourcing sovereignty.   

Feminine (Mother) Template 

This journey provides an opportunity for our inner child to feel, express and communicate all that remains unresolved with our mother.   
   Be patient with yourself and the process as depending upon how much disfunction you may have experienced in your childhood and teenage years you may need to revisit the exercise after a period of integration. If you get tired or encounter any unresolved pieces in the first meeting pause and return later. This journey should be replicated if there may be one of more step-mother(s) or influential women or female family members involved in your developmental years. Even if we never knew our biological or birth mother this process has the potential to be just as powerful. Toward the end of the journey there are commands to release etheric cords and ancestral programming and conditioning that no longer serves. Closing the codependent parent-child relationship and opening into sisterhood with our mother. Establishing self-sourcing sovereignty.   

Awakening the Inner Child 

A return to innocence without naivety, curiosity and wonder free of judgement, aliveness and spontaneity without rules and regulations, absolute fearlessness and a deep knowing that anything and everything is possible.   
   Even if we have no conscious memory of our early childhood these unconscious memories remain both within our blueprint and deep within the cellular memories of our physical and emotional bodies.

Many of us also carry memories of everything our mother experienced during out time in utero and because we were inside our mothers physical and energetic body at this time we have recorded these experiences as our own.

From the womb to the tomb we are informed by our past and will continue to fulfill family prophecy until we bring distortion to coherence and consciously choose a new path.

Holy Trinity Templates

Masculine (Father) Template 

This journey provides an opportunity for our inner child to feel, express and communicate all that remains unresolved with our father.   
   Be patient with yourself and the process as depending upon how much dysfunction you may have experienced in your childhood and teenage years you may need to revisit the exercise after a period of integration. If you get tired or encounter any unresolved pieces in the first meeting, pause and return later. This journey should be replicated if there may be one or more step-father(s) or influential men or male family members involved in your developmental years. Even if we never knew our biological or birth father this process has the potential to be just as powerful. Toward the end of the journey there are commands to release etheric cords and ancestral programming and conditioning that no longer serves. Closing the codependent parent-child relationship and opening into brotherhood with our father. Establishing self-sourcing sovereignty.   

Feminine (Mother) Template 

This journey provides an opportunity for our inner child to feel, express and communicate all that remains unresolved with our mother.   
   Be patient with yourself and the process as depending upon how much disfunction you may have experienced in your childhood and teenage years you may need to revisit the exercise after a period of integration. If you get tired or encounter any unresolved pieces in the first meeting pause and return later. This journey should be replicated if there may be one of more step-mother(s) or influential women or female family members involved in your developmental years. Even if we never knew our biological or birth mother this process has the potential to be just as powerful. Toward the end of the journey there are commands to release etheric cords and ancestral programming and conditioning that no longer serves. Closing the codependent parent-child relationship and opening into sisterhood with our mother. Establishing self-sourcing sovereignty.   

Awakening the Inner Child 

A return to innocence without naivety, curiosity and wonder free of judgement, aliveness and spontaneity without rules and regulations, absolute fearlessness and a deep knowing that anything and everything is possible.   
   Even if we have no conscious memory of our early childhood these unconscious memories remain both within our blueprint and deep within the cellular memories of our physical and emotional bodies.
Many of us also carry memories of everything our mother experienced during out time in utero and because we were inside our mothers physical and energetic body at this time we have recorded these experiences as our own.
From the womb to the tomb we are informed by our past and will continue to fulfill family prophecy until we bring distortion to coherence and consciously choose a new path.

Hieros Gamos - Sacred Union

Sacred Union - Shamanic Sacred Drama

An interactive journey through which to explore and deepen the relationship between our inner feminine and masculine that provides an opportunity to harmonize our internal and therefore our external family, business and intimate relationships.   
   From the womb to the tomb we will most likely reenact family prophecy until we pause, review and excavate the narratives that no longer serve. Through Shamanic Sacred Drama we are able to step out of learned patterns of codependent relating and into interdependent relationships. Out of closed energetic systems into the unlimited potential of evolutionary relationships as creators in the infinite ocean of creation.   

Integration of the Extraterrestrial Nature of our Soul with our Human – Animal body

This is a powerful process I explored through Shamanic Sacred Drama that held a vital key for my embodiment.   
   I was most identified with my extra-terrestrial nature coming from a place of oneness and connection, to everything except my physical body, and feeling quite despondent and powerless for the state of humanity and their lack of relationship with our host planet. And over time it dawned on me that humanity’s lack of respect for our earth actually stems from a disconnect from our own bodies. What this journey teaches us through embodied experience is that our power comes not from one or the other but rather an integration of the alien and the animal, our multidimensional soul self with these extremely intelligent animal bodies.   

Reclaiming our Sexual - Life Force Energy 

Reclaiming Innocence, restoring sensitivity and sensuality and reactivating our eco-sexual nature, reminds us we are here to make love to life.   
   In most indigenous cultures there is no separation in the understanding of our sexual and life-force energy, they are one and the same. As we re-orientate our perception of reality we come to understand that any misuse, abuse, repression or neglect of sexual energy is in some way limiting, depleting or compromising our life force energy. Any shame, fear, guilt or previous trauma that we may consciously or unconsciously carry is a limitation of our aliveness and potential of pleasure we are able to experience in daily life. Due to lack of understanding and conscious education around all matters pertaining to sexuality and conscious relating we have all received a rather limited and/or distorted template of the sacredness and the creative power of our sexual / life-force energy. This journey takes us back from our current intimate relationship, or lack of, through all previous relationships addressing whatever trauma remains along the way so that we may engage boundaries when required, reclaim power where it has been lost, and reinstate the power of our own voice to communicate what we want and what we don’t want. It is time to resurrect our body temple and reclaim our role as gatekeeper and guardian. Let us reclaim our Self-sourcing Sexual Sovereignty on this Earthwalk.   

Become the Architect of your Reality

Meet Leanne

Often referred to as an ‘Archaeologist of the Soul’, a 'New Earth Architect', or simply 'The Tea Lady’.    
Leanne's gifts include the capacity to traverse time, space and dimension in support of individuals to re-member themselves, align with soul, reclaim sovereignty, reconnect to their multi-dimensionality, ignite their passion, own their power, and step into greater service now.